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Vision Quest

Welcome to the BearHeart Vision Quest!

Hi, my name is Mike Three Bears Andrews. I met BearHeart in 1995, and was authorized to Sponsor and Lead vision quests in his tradition starting in 2004. A total of over 120 people have vision quested since then in BearHeart Vision Quests. BearHeart developed a process where anyone can vision quest, and we have had people of all ages attend, from teenagers to those in their 70’s, and from 11 foreign countries since his book has been translated into 13 foreign languages. Many vision quest traditions require a year of training before questing, with a 4-5 year commitment to continue questing, but BearHeart Vision Quests require only a one year commitment, although some people have quested four or more times, then supported as a way to give back to the process.

Click here for more on supporting and questing.

"If we really want to know ourselves, at some point in life we are 

going to have to surrender"



"Sit down and 

notice the world around you"


About BearHeart


Marcellus BearHeart Williams passed in 2008 at age 90, but his Spirit lives on in those that knew him, and those that have read his book, The Wind Is My Mother. This is what BearHart said in his book:

“And in turn, now I can sit on the side and watch the fruits of my labor, what I have invested in those I have taught. They’re carrying on now while I’m still living here and can be a recipient of the love and prayers that they make for me. Those are some of the things that give me encouragement to keep going on regardless of how tired I may get or the obstacles I face.”

Out Now and available on Amazon and direct through Synergetic Press is "The Bear is My Father" written by Marcellus BearHeart Williams and Regina WaterSpirit. 

That love and prayers continue on even after he is gone. His website is:

What is a Vision Quest?

... and why should I do it?

“If we really want to know ourselves, at some point in life we’re going to have to surrender to a Higher Power who knows all about us—our weaknesses, our mistakes, and our potentials. Many Native American tribes do that through our meditation known as “vision quest”—the setting aside of a time and place , alone out in nature, to communicate with a Higher Being and explore that which is within. Somewhere in that space of time as we are questing, answers come. It is an opportunity to know more about ourselves and some of the options that we have to choose from in life.”



In the past, this website had a lot of information about the BearHeart Vision Quest. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me and I will provide more, or MUCH more, information.





PO Box 577

Arroyo Seco, NM 87514

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